What I saw a long the way:
{pretty tin tray: put your liquor on it or your jewels}
{cool old thermos. Cork top!}
{fancy fruit holder I'm guessing}
{I'd reupholster. Kind of shaker-townish simple style. It was very sturdy}
{Luxury. Fun couch}
What I bought:
{girly stool. will reupholster someday. 5 bucks}
{light fixture. I just love these}
{not sure if they work. Still pretty as ever. $6.50!}
{pretty little poppy painting. an original. 1 dollar!}
Sadly, I can't bring the furniture finds back home to California with me. tragic. Who wants to babysit!
*All these treasures found at KY Goodwills (so cheap compared to Cali)*
love the lines on that stool, so curvy. and that painting is just right. been looking for some originals myself but to no avail. also i'm a great babysitter and real cheap!